How to get there
Quintanar de la Sierra to Regumiel de la Sierra, 4.5 km on the left are the shrine of Our Lady of Revenga and the House of Wood (cultural and information center.) From here follow the signs for Celtiberian castro medieval necropolis of La Cerca (accessible only by road or on foot). After crossing a meadow with horses (opening and closing the doors) is accessed by an irregular way, first to the famous medieval necropolis of tombs carved into the rock (s. X-XI), linked to a depopulated this time, and then to the fort, follow the sign "remains of the wall" after about 1.600m.
Settlement features
vegetation characteristics from seeing it. Their most accessible is the south-west where it reaches the access road, offering something more difficulty its west side and remains inaccessible on its eastern side defended by a strong cut.
Defense system
Castro surface of about 4 hectares, is surrounded by a powerful wall demolished, you can follow it on its western side reflected in a parallel ridged cattle fence (hence the name castro), at a given moment turns to the east, taking advantage of rocky ridges, finishing on the east side, where the strong existing cut artificial reinforcement is unnecessary. The wall is quite blurred by its southwest side and the internal enclosure visible structures are seen.
This town has been excavated and therefore there is insufficient information to determine their chronological time.
Contacts and time
Access is free. The fort offers a rustic signs indicating "remains of the wall", from the medieval necropolis.
Basic Bibliography
- Pérez, F. (Ed.) (1982): Archaeology Burgalesa. Hon. Diputación Provincial de Burgos, Burgos.